What Is The Best Age To Train A German Shepherd?

German Shepherds are intelligent dogs, and they pick up training rather quickly. Therefore, if you have a German Shepherd puppy, beginning to train them is probably the main thing on your mind. But when is the best time to start?

The best age to train a German Shepherd is eight weeks old when they can begin socializing and potty training. Basic obedience training should begin around three months old and last until the nine-month mark. Training German Shepherd police dogs should start around 12-15 months old.

The rest of this article will discuss when is the best time to teach specific skills, how to go about training your dog, and whether it’s possible to train an older German Shepherd.

When Should I Train My German Shepherd?

Training a German Shepherd from a young age will ensure that they get the proper training to become an all-around well-behaved dog. Like humans, introducing things to young puppies is the best way to ensure they’ll absorb the information and age into well-trained adult dogs.

Whether you’re wondering when you can start training your dog to sit or want your German Shepherd to become a police dog, there are different ages at which each dog can and should have specific skills introduced.


Socialization is essential for puppies. Every dog breed has a critical socialization window that ends around 12 to 16 weeks old. Missing this crucial window may result in your German Shepherd being scared or uneasy around other humans or dogs.

Socialization doesn’t just mean allowing your puppy to meet other puppies or people. It also means introducing your puppy to different experiences or environments.

Puppies also go through a fear period between 9 and 12 weeks. While it’s still essential to socialize your German Shepherd during this time, it’s necessary to consider the fearful stage. You don’t want to force your puppy to experience anything they might be scared of, so introducing things slowly and calmly is the best course of action.

How Should I Socialize My German Shepherd?

You can socialize your German Shepherd in many different ways, but introducing them to other people and places is one of the most important.

To socialize your German Shepherd, you need to be consistent. It’s best to slowly introduce anything you’d like your dog to be confident around as an adult at a young age.

For example, introducing your German Shepherd to several people of all ages is crucial to their development. This introduction should be voluntary, and it’s a good idea to offer treats. 

Potty Training

One of the most challenging pieces of training that many dog owners face is potty training. Some dogs may be easier to potty train than others, but there are ways to make the process a little more painless.

Your German Shepherd should begin potty training between 8 and 16 weeks old. The American Kennel Club finds that German Shepherds are one of the easiest breeds to housetrain. While usually, German Shepherds are quick to pick up potty training, every dog is different.

How Should I Potty Train My German Shepherd?

Since German Shepherds don’t have complete control of their bladder until they’re about 5 or 6 months old, there will likely be accidents along the way. It’s essential to focus on preventing accidents rather than waiting for them to happen.

The best way to potty train a German Shepherd is to take them out every 2-3 hours. Doing this may help prevent accidents, and it’ll also train the puppy only to go when they’re outside. 

Depending on your situation, you can also train a German Shepherd with puppy pads. After learning to use the puppy pad, slowly move the pad near the door. Moving the place will allow you to transition them into going outside easier.

Obedience Training

Obedience training is excellent for every dog, but training too young can be harmful and way more complicated. German Shepherds are born protectors, and since they’re bigger dogs and harder to control, obedience training is a must.

Around 3 to 9 months of age is when it’s best to begin obedience training. Simple commands such as “sit” or “stay” are good to start with, and positive reinforcements are always a great learning tool.

How Should I Train My German Shepherd?

A lot goes into a training process, and there isn’t always one right way to do it. The most important thing to remember is to be patient. Not all dogs pick up training very fast, and getting frustrated with your puppy will only make it harder on both of you!

Positive reinforcement is essential during the training process. Even something as simple as calling your dog over—if it comes, reward with positive words and a treat!

Giving your German Shepherd the exercise they need every day and making learning a fun experience is the best way to train obedience. Being too strict and nagging your dog will make the experience unpleasant, and your dog won’t pick up on their training.

If you’re looking for great motivating treats while you train your German Shepherd, the Buckley Trainers treats from Amazon is highly recommended. These treats are fantastic for training because they’re small, low calorie, and grain-free. So, they’ll work great even if your puppy has a sensitive stomach. They also come in a variety of different flavors.

Police Dog Training

If you’re looking to get a German Shepherd into the work field, you’re probably wondering when it would be best to start training.

The National Police Dog Foundation believes the youngest you can begin training a dog for police work is between 12 and 15 months old. They become mature enough to comprehend the training at this age, and even then, not every dog is fit for the working lifestyle.

The dogs will go through a series of tests to determine whether they’d make good work dogs, and if they are, they’ll begin training. It’s best to enroll your dog in a proper training facility than to try any formal training on your own. 

Can I Train An Adult German Shepherd?

It’s never too late to train a German Shepherd or any dog, for that matter. If you just adopted an older dog with no previous training, it’s still possible to train your German Shepherd into a great, obedient, family dog.

Just like with puppies, older German Shepherds can learn from positive reinforcement and repeated behaviors. While it might take longer for your dog to catch on, it will be worth it in the end.

As long as you’re knowledgeable, patient, and favorable toward your German Shepherd, you’ll train them in no time!

Final Thoughts

Training a German Shepherd at a young age is the ideal time to begin. At this age, dogs are more apt to learning and will absorb the training quicker. Training is essential, especially for German Shepherds. Without the proper socialization and training, German Shepherds won’t mature to their full potential. 

While it’s possible to train older German Shepherds in obedience, not providing socialization during the crucial period might result in your dog being less confident and more anxious in unknown situations. 

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