How Much Do White German Shepherds Cost?

Introducing a new pet to your family can be exciting. Dogs are a common choice for house pets, and for good reason. They are often bred to be responsive and loving companions that are a joy to be around. There are many different breeds of dogs to choose from, ranging from the more common Labrador Retrievers to the relatively rare White German Shepherd. If you are interested in White German Shepherds, you may be wondering how much will it cost to add one to your family.

While the average German Shepherd puppy may cost between $300 and $1000, a White German Shepherd puppy is more likely to fall in the range of $1000 to $1500. White German Shepherds are a rare breed of dog that doesn’t occur very frequently in nature. Their white coat makes them more expensive to adopt. This additional cost should be taken into consideration when making your choice.

Owning a White German Shepherd can be exciting, as these dogs are both rare and unique in many ways. Although they share the same lineage as normal German Shepherds, White German Shepherds may have different traits bred into them. In fact, the United Kennel Club recognizes White German Shepherds to be an entirely different breed than normal German Shepherds.

The Different Variations Of German Shepherds

German Shepherds are beautiful dogs that can be born with a variety of different colors. Although certain kennel clubs consider some colors to be faults, genetically, these dogs are the same. The most common colors for purebred German Shepherds are as follows:

  • Black
  • Gray
  • Sable
  • Black and Tan
  • Blue
  • Red and Black
  • Black and Silver
  • Brown

German Shepherds can have a variety of different coat types as well. Their coats may be short, dense and thick, fluffy, or long. Pure white, solid blue, and spotted German Shepherds are not considered purebred. This means that they often go underappreciated in kennel clubs and are not accepted as “show quality” dogs.

What Do White German Shepherds Look Like?

If you are interested in adopting a White German Shepherd, you should think about what you want it to look like aesthetically. The White Shepherd is a mid-sized, muscular dog that is tall with a medium rating for length. Their ears are normally erect, and their coat is often pure white, although they may be spotted.

Although you don’t have many options when it comes to color, there is some variation. The color of a White Shepherd ranges from light cream to a light biscuit tan, although the United Kennel Club suggests that pure white is the ideal color. You can also be selective of your White German Shepherd’s hair and fur type. White Shepherds have a weather-resistant double coat that features a close-lying and straight outer coat, coupled with a short, thick and fine undercoat.

White German Shepherd

What Makes White German Shepherds Special?

White German Shepherds can be traced back to Germany, as they share the same bloodline as common shepherds. Historically, German Shepherds were typically white or black and tan. White German Shepherds are different from standard German Shepherds in only one way, apart from their color. White German Shepherds are known to have longer, stiffer hair than standard German Shepherds.

What Makes White German Shepherds White?

White Shepherds are white due to a recessive gene in their DNA. This is similar to the Black German Shepherd, as both have a unique recessive coat color gene. The difference between the White and Black Shepherds is that the Black Shepherd’s true color is solid black, while the White Shepherd has a gene that hides the dog’s true color and pattern, causing it to appear white.

Can A Standard German Shepherd Have White German Shepherd Puppies?

White Shepherds are simply German Shepherds that have a rare recessive gene. Therefore, it is possible for standard German Shepherds to give birth to White Shepherds. This is where White Shepherds originated. Although, it is important to note that the only way to breed an entirely solid litter of White Shepherds is by breeding two adult White Shepherds.

On the other hand, if a White Shepherd is bred with a standard German Shepherd, the litter will contain a mixture of different colored puppies. The number of White Shepherds born in such a litter would depend on whether the standard German Shepherd parent holds the White Shepherd recessive gene. If both parents have the white recessive gene, there is a 50% chance that puppy will be white.

If the standard German Shepherd doesn’t have the White Shepherd gene, none of the puppies will be born white. Interestingly enough, White Shepherds have their true color hidden, meaning that if you breed a White Shepherd with a non-white Shepherd, it is hard to determine what colors the puppies will be.

Are White German Shepherds Albino German Shepherds?

White German Shepherds are not albino German Shepherds. Although White German Shepherds can be born as albinos, this is not the standard for the breed. Albino dogs have deficient pigmentation, which causes them to have pale skin, pink eyes, and uncolored hair. White Shepherds have pink or black skin, brown eyes, solid white fur, and colored noses.

Are White German Shepherds Considered Sick?

Although some people associate rare dog colors with poor health and temperament, this is not the case with White Shepherds. The recessive gene that is responsible for making German Shepherds white are not tied to any known diseases or syndromes. This means that White German Shepherds are prone to the same diseases and health issues as standard German Shepherds.

Finding A White German Shepherd Breeder

Finding the right breeder can be difficult, especially when dealing with rarer breeds like the White German Shepherd. Many people take advantage of these rare dogs because they come at a higher cost to the people who wish to adopt them. Some breeders will breed them because of their color and not care much for their health and wellbeing. This is why finding an ethical, reliable breeder should be your foremost objective when searching for your next White German Shepherd.

Finding a reputable and responsible breeder may take time, but it is worthwhile. A reputable breeder will provide you with detailed information about the puppy’s lineage and health history, as well as details about their vaccinations.

Black German Shepherds Are Equally Rare

If you are interested in a rare colored German Shepherd, Black Shepherds are an option you could choose too. Black German Shepherds are rarer because, in order for a Black German Shepherd puppy to be born, both parents must have the recessive gene associated with solid black fur.

Black German Shepherd

The price is slightly lessened by the fact that two Black German Shepherds can be mated together to produce a solid litter of Black German Shepherds. If you are in the market for a Black German Shepherd, be prepared to pay more than you would for a White Shepherd or standard German Shepherd. Black German Shepherds range from $700 to $2000 on average.

Adopt A White Shepherd

White German Shepherds are a bit pricey, but just as loving and joyful as any other German Shepherd. You won’t have to worry about additional health issues in comparison to a standard German Shepherd, either. Just make sure you choose a reputable breeder to ensure that the White Shepherd you adopt is healthy and ethically bred.

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