How Do I Make My German Shepherd’s Coat Shine?

A German Shepherd’s coat is one of the distinct features of the breed, so keeping it healthy and shiny is essential. However, not knowing what steps to take for your German Shepherd can be frustrating.

Here are a few ways you can make your German Shepherd’s coat shine:

  • Pay attention to your dog’s diet.
  • Add dietary supplements.
  • Bathe your dog regularly.
  • Blow-dry your dog’s fur.
  • Brush your dog every day.
  • Rake your dog’s undercoat during shedding season.
  • Apply coconut oil.
  • Look for any skin conditions.
  • Look for any allergies.
  • Visit a vet.

Keep reading for all the important details about how you can get a beautiful, shiny coat for your German Shepherd.

German Shepherd

Pay Attention To Your Dog’s Diet

A German Shepherd, or any dog in general, should have a well-balanced diet. If your dog is missing certain dietary supplements, it can take a toll on its health, which impacts the health of the fur coat.

Many commercial dry dog foods lack the necessary nutrients that your dog needs every day. Therefore, switching your dog’s food or adding the nutrients your current food lacks could make your German Shepherd’s coat grow healthy and shiny


Dog food that is high in protein is essential to a healthy coat. Many dry dog foods have a lot of protein, but you can also add meat to your German Shepherd’s meals. There are many animal-based types of meat with a lot of protein, such as chicken, turkey, lamb, fish, beef, and eggs. 


Beta-carotene is essential for overall health, and it converts to Vitamin A in the body, which is excellent for healthy skin and hair coat. Carrots and pumpkin are both excellent sources of beta-carotene, and many dogs love both. Therefore, adding some carrots or pumpkin puree to your dog’s meals will give them the extra vitamins they need for a healthy coat.

Add Dietary Supplements

Sometimes you might need to add dietary supplements to your German Shepherd’s diet, even after improving their food quality. There are many different supplements available that help with shiny coats, such as omega-6 fatty acids. You can add many supplements to mealtime or make it a treat.

A fantastic supplement for skin and coat health is Zesty Paws Pure Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil. This supplement is super easy to give to your dog because all you have to do is add a few pumps to their food bowl. It contains the omega-3 fatty acids your dogs need for a healthy coat, and it also supports healthy joints and a healthy immune system.

Bathe Your Dog Regularly

Typically, dogs spend a lot of time outside. Therefore, they might get dirty, and their skin can become dried out. Even if your dog isn’t outside as frequently, regularly bathing is important to skin health.

You don’t have to bathe German Shepherds as often as other breeds. In fact, bathing them too often can make their coat even drier, and you’ll only want to bathe them every 3-4 months at the most.

Blow-Dry Your Dog’s Fur

An excellent way to give your dog’s coat a shine is to blow dry its hair after a bath. While it’s easier to let your dog run around and air dry, blow-drying will give that extra shine. If you’ve ever noticed that your dog’s coat is a lot shiner after the groomers, it’s because they blow dry it. Just be sure to protect your German Shepherd’s ears, and use a hair dryer that’s suited for dogs.

Hairdryers for humans can burn dogs, so using a dryer such as the Shelandy Adjustable Speed Pet Hair Force Dryer from Amazon is safer. This dryer has adjustable speed and heating and makes it easier to dry your dog.

Brush Your Dog Every Day

Like with your own hair, brushing every day will distribute the natural oils throughout, therefore giving the hair a shine. Brushing your German Shepherd’s hair every day will not only improve the shine, but it will prevent matting and will help your dog with shedding, especially during shedding season.

While typically you only really need to brush your dog a few times a week, if you want to encourage shine, brushing every day won’t hurt.

Rake Your Dog’s Undercoat During Shedding Season

While raking and brushing are similar, they have different purposes. Raking is essential during your German Shepherd’s shedding season. German Shepherds shed a lot, but they shed their undercoat in the Spring and Fall and grow a thicker one to prepare for winter. Raking will help the process and promote a healthy coat and skin.

If you’re looking for a good rake brush for your German Shepherd, we recommend the OCTCHOCO Pet Comb. This rake brush is easy to use and will feel like a massage to your German Shepherd.

Apply Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has many benefits for both dogs and humans. There have been many reported benefits of coconut oil for dogs. American Kennel Club mentions several:

  • Improves dogs’ coats, making them glossy
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Reduces coughing
  • Helps dog odor

Dogs can receive coconut oil either orally or topically. So you can add some to your German Shepherd’s food or rub the oil directly onto their coats. However, always ask your vet before introducing something new to your German Shepherd’s diet.

A great coconut oil for your German Shepherd is the Zesty Paws Coconut Oil For Dogs. This oil is entirely organic and works to give your dog a healthy, shiny coat.

Look For Any Skin Conditions

If you’ve tried everything you can and your German Shepherd’s coat still won’t shine, it could be something more serious, such as a bacterial skin infection, otherwise known as Pyoderma. Should your German Shepherd have something more severe than just a dry coat, you’ll probably notice signs, such as itchiness, red skin, hair loss, or pustules. 

Keeping an eye out for any other symptoms will ensure your German Shepherd stays healthy. If you do see something, it’s essential to visit a vet right away.

Look For Any Allergies

Many dogs have allergies, whether seasonal or food-related, which can affect the dog’s coat. For example, frequent itching and biting at the skin is a sign of allergies, as well as teary eyes and dry skin. And all this leads to a dry coat.

A veterinarian can easily treat allergies, and once treated, they will make your German Shepherd much more comfortable and happy overall. Treatments may include a pill, shot, or even a topical cream, depending on the allergy.

Visit A Vet

If you have any concerns about your German Shepherd’s coat or skin health, it would be best to visit a vet, especially if you notice any other symptoms along with a dull, dry coat. Your vet will be able to tell you the best steps to take and what your German Shepherd needs for a healthy, shiny coat.

Final Thoughts

There are many different ways you can make your German Shepherd’s coat shine, including paying close attention to your dog’s diet, bathing, blow-drying, brushing, raking, and using organic coconut oil. Of course, which steps you should take to encourage a shinier coat may depend on your German Shepherd’s health or allergies. 

It’s essential to look out for any skin conditions or allergies when trying to determine why your dog’s coat isn’t shiny, as these can be indicators of dry skin and coat. Ultimately, it would be best to visit a vet for your dog’s skin and coat concerns.

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