Can German Shepherds Tolerate Hot Weather?

German Shepherds make excellent pets and companions, as they’re loyal, protective, playful, and highly adaptable. However, while German Shepherds have adaptive, flexible personalities, prospective owners may wonder whether they can adapt as quickly to different temperatures. In particular, you may wonder whether German Shepherds can tolerate hot weather.  

German Shepherds can tolerate hot weather but should not be left out in the heat for an extended period. They have a double coat, and the bottom layer traps cool air, allowing the dog to stay cool in the heat. However, this only works to a certain extent, after which it becomes too hot. 

This article explores everything you need to know about the German Shepherd’s tolerance to hot weather, including temperature ranges that your dog can thrive in and signs that your dog is overheated. 

German Shepherds And Hot Weather

As German Shepherds have thick, glossy coats, some people worry that they cannot tolerate hot weather. However, the inner coat acts as insulation, trapping hot air in winter and cool air in summer, which keeps the German Shepherd warm or cool as necessary. 

However, when the temperatures become extreme, it is a good idea to bring your German Shepherd indoors. 

How Can You Tell If It’s Too Hot For Your German Shepherd?

If it is too hot for your German Shepherd Dog (GSD), you will see frequent shedding and symptoms of dehydration. As each German Shepherd is unique and will have a different coat composition, you should monitor your dog for these and other signs of overheating. 

Let’s take a closer look at some of these signs.

Your GSD May Shed More Than Average

If a German Shepherd is feeling intolerably hot, you may notice he is shedding more, which is his attempt to shed layers that are not helping to keep him cool. You can help your canine buddy by brushing his coat to remove excess hair that might not have come off yet.

Your GSD May Show Signs Of Dehydration

Dehydration occurs when your dog has lost a significant amount of water and electrolytes in his body. A major cause of dehydration is overheating. 

Some of the most noticeable symptoms of dehydration include: 

  • Delayed skin elasticity. If you gently pull your dog’s skin away from his cheek or neck and notice that it takes a little time to fall back into its normal position, it may be a sign of dehydration. 
  • Delayed capillary refill. Gently pull your German Shepherd’s lip back to display his gums. Press your finger onto his gums, and if the gum remains white for ten or more seconds, it may be a symptom of dehydration. 
  • Dryness. If your German Shepherd’s tongue, nose, and gums are dry, it may be an early symptom of dehydration. 

How Can You Protect Your German Shepherd From the Heat?

If you notice symptoms of overheating in your German Shepherd, it is essential to move him out of the heat as soon as possible. Provide plenty of water and shade, if there is no way to bring him inside an air-conditioned building.

Outlined below are some preventative measures that can protect your German Shepherd from getting too hot, including making plenty of water available, providing shade and water bodies for your dog to cool down in. 

Water And Nutrition 

Having plenty of freshwater available for your dog to sip on through the day is an essential measure in preventing dehydration. However, if you suspect that your dog is already dehydrated, do not force your dog to drink a large amount of water in one go, but somewhat smaller amounts of water more regularly.

This will help a dehydrated dog absorb the electrolytes and minerals in the water in a more tolerable place. 

If you live in an area with consistently high temperatures, it is worth placing your German Shepherd on a wet food diet, which has higher water content and will allow your dog to reach adequate hydration levels, even if he doesn’t drink enough water. 

Some of the best wet foods for German Shepherds are the Blue Buffalo Freedom Grain-Free Grillers and the Natural Balance Ultra Premium Wet Dog Food.

Blue Buffalo Freedom Grain-Free Wet Dog Food 

This formula is made with broth, grains, vegetables, and various nutrients, including sodium, potassium, vitamins, and folic acid. It can be served as a meal, a treat, or a dry food topper. 

It’s available on Amazon in a wide range of different flavors: 

  • Beef 
  • Chicken 
  • Lamb 
  • Grillers Hearty Beef
  • Grillers Hearty Chicken 
  • Grillers heart Lamb 

The Grillers varieties feature chunks of meat, while the other variants have more of a pureed texture. 

Natural Balance Ultra Premium Wet Dog Food

This food balances broth with chunks of meat and grains. 

For instance, the Chicken and Brown Rice variant has chicken broth, chicken chunks, brown rice, and various vegetables to ensure both hydration and nutrition. 

This formula is available in five different variants:

  • Beef
  • Lamb 
  • Chicken 
  • Liver
  • Variety

All the variants also have brown rice, potatoes, and carrots. You can try all the flavors to find one that’s a hit with your German Shepherd. 

Have Adequate Spaces To Cool Down

German Shepherds are high-energy dogs and spend a significant amount of time running and playing. As a result, they can get dehydrated quickly, and it is essential to have spaces for them to cool down. 

Some spaces could be a cool, air-conditioned room or a shaded space outdoors. 

German Shepherds are not natural swimmers but may enjoy having a shallow body of cool water to cool off in. 

Contact Your Vet

If your German Shepherd is consistently showing signs of overheating, and changing his nutrition and resting habits do not seem to be helping, you should consult your vet. 

Overheating may be a symptom of another condition, or you may need to change your grooming or nutrition approach. Your vet will be able to consider a holistic perspective when recommending how you can help your dog tolerate hot weather. 

Final Thoughts 

German Shepherds can tolerate hot weather until a particular limit. However, as a pet parent, there are several things you can do to ensure your German Shepherd stays cool and comfortable. Adopting these strategies will help your dog remain protected and healthy. 

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