Can A German Shepherd Have More Than One Master?

A German Shepherd can make an amazing working dog and family companion. But before you get one, you should know what to expect with the breed. For example, you may wonder how many masters these dogs can have.

A German Shepherd can’t have more than one master. They can still love and obey other people in the household, but the dog will choose one to be their master or favorite person. Sadly, the dog won’t give their owners much choice in who their favorite person is.

If you want to get a German Shepherd, you should know that you and your family can’t all be the dog’s master. All of you can train the dog and show your affection, though. So, keep reading to learn how you can bond with your German Shepherd whether you’re its master or not.

How German Shepherds Attach To People

German Shepherds attach to people as any other dogs would. As you spend time with your dog, they will get to know you and form a bond with you. Your dog can form a bond with everyone in your household, but they will eventually choose one as their master.

The dog’s master will usually be the dog’s favorite, though that doesn’t mean the dog won’t love anyone else. Your dog will typically choose its master at around six months old. That gives your dog plenty of time to get to know your family.

Your dog can learn who will be around the most, which may help them decide on a master. If your dog doesn’t choose you, don’t be offended. You can still form an attachment to your German Shepherd, even if it isn’t as their master.

How German Shepherds Choose A Master

If you get a German Shepherd as a service dog or a police dog, they will choose the person they help as their master. That’s important because the dog needs to focus when it works so that it can help its master.

However, for family dogs, it can be a bit more complicated. Odds are, your dog will choose the person who’s home the most as its master. German Shepherds will gravitate towards the person who spends more time training, walking or feeding them.

Why German Shepherds Have One Master

The origin of German Shepherds can explain why they still only have one real master. While German Shepherds can be very loyal and protective of the entire family, they have their history of working.

These dogs helped people in the military, and they would spend all day and night with their owner. German Shepherds are also popular police dogs because their great sense of smell. (Read: How Many Scent Receptors Do German Shepherd Have?). Police dogs spend a lot of time working with one person, so they can develop a strong bond.

Even if you never plan to have your dog work, their nature is to have one person as their master. The dog will base that choice on the communication and trust they build in their puppy years, and it can be hard to build multiple bonds like that.

Master vs. Favorite People Explained

In some cases, you may feel like your German Shepherd acts like they have two masters. Your dog may love it when you feed them, but perhaps your dog prefers to play with your spouse or one of your kids, or they might prefer to sleep with another member of the family.

Your dog may like to spend time with different people throughout the day. That’s totally normal, and it can be a good way for everyone to bond with your dog. The dog will still have one master who they love a little more, but it may not be as apparent.

How To Build A Relationship With Your German Shepherd

Whether you’re the German Shepherd’s master or not, you can build a relationship with your dog. You can spend time together and enjoy activities like playtime or long walks. Here’s what you can do to make sure everyone in your family can have a relationship with your German Shepherd:

Focus On Training

Make sure everyone old enough can be involved in the training. Perhaps you and other members of your family can alternate days to help train your German Shepherd.

The idea is for everyone to participate and bond with dog. You should all start training early on, and keep doing it to reinforce good habits as your dog grows up.

Create A Routine

Dogs love having a routine for their day. If you can, try to keep the same schedule; feed them at the same time every day, go for a walk at the same time etc.

You can make sure your entire family plays a role in your dog’s routine as well. That way, everyone has some time with the dog each day. While that can make it harder for your dog to choose a master, it can keep things equal for all of you.

Rotate The Feeding Responsibilities

If possible, rotate the feeding responsibilities so that everyone can have a part in your German Shepherd’s routine. Dogs love treats, and even though your pet might associate only one of you with their feeding time, everyone in the family can enjoy giving your pup a delicious treat.

Have Some Alone Time

Give each family member some alone time with your dog each week. That way, your dog can get to know everyone without the distraction of other people.

If you have younger children, you can let them pet your dog, under adult supervision. German Shepherds are a large breed, and some enjoy playing a little rough. Be sure to watch their interactions and keep both your little ones, and your pet safe at all times (Read: Are German Shepherds Safe Around Babies?).

Final Thoughts

If you want to get a German Shepherd as a family pet, you should prepare ahead of time. Taking care of a German Shepherd is a big time commitment, even if everyone in your family shares the responsibility, understand that your dog will love your whole family, but they’re bound to choose only one of you as their master.

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