Can A German Shepherd Be A Hunting Dog?

Since German Shepherd dogs are well-known for being working dogs, it is natural for owners, who enjoy the sport of hunting, to wonder if their dog can be a hunting dog. German Shepherds often perform meaningful work, such as guarding, herding, law enforcement, and military service. It is not farfetched for an owner to ask this question.

A German Shepherd can be a hunting dog. This breed has multiple bloodlines. Some German Shepherds may be more suited for hunting than others based on their origins. Even though your dog is not among the top hunting breeds, there are ways to train them to be a better hunting dog.

What makes a dog a good hunting dog? If a German Shepherd can hunt, what types of hunting are these dogs best at undertaking? Learn more about these queries, as well as how to make your dog a better hunter, by reading on.

Types Of Hunting That Uses Dogs

There are many different types of game that hunters and their dogs go after. From birds to mammals, there is a dog breed that is best suited for each one:

Best Dog Breeds For Hunting Birds

  • Labrador Retrievers, built entirely for retrieving game from cold water, are the best hunters of ducks.
  • The most successful hunters of sea ducks are Chesapeake Bay Retrievers (or Chessies), built even more substantial than Labs, and can withstand the rough and frigid sea.
  • English Springer Spaniels easily flush out hidden pheasants.
  • Appalachian Turkey Dogs, a mixed breed not recognized by the American Kennel Club as an official breed, scatter turkey flocks.
  • German Shorthair Pointers sniff out and point at chukars.
  • English Setters catch the scent of grouse without startling them.
  • English Pointers, who can point at them and hold their position like a statue, hunt quail.

Best Dog Breeds For Hunting Mammals

  • Treeing Walker Hounds chase coons up into the trees.
  • The Mountain curs chase squirrels because breeders created them for that purpose.
  • Beagle chase rabbits in circles to give the human hunters a shot.
  • Dogo Argentino dogs chase hogs until they stop and face their pursuers, allowing the hunting dog to overcome them until the human hunters arrive.
  • American Foxhounds love the thrill of the chase and can work together in packs to run deer for a long time.
  • Plott Hounds pick up the scent, tracks, and corners a bear while barking to alert the human hunters.
  • Bluetick Coonhounds track and corner mountain lions with skill and tenacity.

You may have noticed that the list above does not mention German Shepherds. That doesn’t mean they can’t be trained to be hunting dogs. As a breed, German Shepherds are very smart and more manageable to teach than other dog breeds.

Characteristics Of A Good Hunting Dog

A dog’s owner can train him or her to be a hunting dog, but a dog’s innate traits play a crucial part in determining how good a hunter they can be. A good hunting dog enjoys the sport and is not performing tasks because their owner trained them to do so.

Since German Shepherds work as law enforcement canines, it is logical to conclude that they have smelling and tracking ability. The ability to detect illegal substances and fugitives are parallel to hunting prey. Both instances require an excellent nose, stamina, and athleticism. They also require self-control only to use as much force as needed.

The video below shows how the owner trains her German Shepherd to hunt for the ball. The dog retrieved the ball after it was found and did not destroy it. You can try this same technique using the highly-rated Jolly Pets Romp-n-Roll Rope and Ball Dog Toy. The size medium or large should fit any size adult German Shepherd. 

Other characteristics of a good hunting dog include having stamina and being in good shape. A hunting dog must also be loyal and obedient, things a well-socialized German Shepherd would be. This breed also has a good work ethic, a requirement when working for the military and law enforcement agencies.

It is essential to recognize that each dog is unique entirely. These dogs’ bloodlines, history if adopted, and their current living conditions mold a German Shepherd’s personality and preferences. For example, barking is not something German Shepherds tend to do often as a breed. If your German Shepherd doesn’t like to bark, then he or she might not be an excellent candidate to hunt prey that needs to be flushed out by intimidation.

Bloodlines Of German Shepherd Dogs

Five major bloodlines make up the German Shepherd breed. These are the American Line, the West German Working and Show Lines, the East German DDR (Deutsche Demokratische Republik) Working Line, and the Czech/Slovak Working Line. The American Line is mostly a Show Line.

The Czech/Slovak Working Line has a history of bad hips and therefore would not be suitable for the physical demands of hunting. The West German Working Line is energetic, has clear-headedness, and has a high pain tolerance. They work around the world as guard dogs, military dogs, and law enforcement K-9.

East Germany closely regulates the breeding of the East German DDR Line. This line was bred for border patrolling. These working dogs have a low to medium prey drive, so they may not be the right dogs for hunting. They do have the capacity to be trained to hunt, though possibly.

Helping Your Dog Become A Better Hunting Dog

You can do training exercises with your dog to help them get ready for their first hunt. This duck hunting video shows how you can introduce your dog to each part of hunting to have the best hunting experience possible for both of you:

  1. The sound of the duck call.
  2. Shooting the gun in the distance to demonstrate the sound.
  3. Being inside the boat on solid ground.
  4. Retrieving a watermark from the rowboat on land and returning to the boat.
  5. Repeating Step 3 after moving the boat into the water.
  6. Recovering a mark on the ground and returning while ignoring the diversion marks.
  7. Repeating Step 5 and having the dog go back for the 2nd mark.
  8. Shooting the gun from where the dog is sitting to demonstrate the sound.

Things To Help You Get Started With Training Your Dog To Hunt

To get started with training your dog to hunt, you will need to have marks for your dog to practice retrieving. The well-rated Browning Vinyl Training Dummy should do the trick. It comes in large and small sizes and three color choices. This durable training tool floats and is leak-proof, making it perfect to use on land and in water. You will need at least two to help you with the training outlined above.

If you plan on going duck hunting, there are other things you’ll need, a duck whistle and a dog whistle. Both are inexpensive items. The Gadwall Magnum Duck Call is highly-rated. Be sure to know what kind of duck you will be hunting, so you can match the whistle to the duck. This one is called the Gadwall Drake. 

The acme Model 210.5 Plastic Dog Whistle also comes highly-rated. It is loud and high-pitched to canine ears but sounds quiet to humans. This dog whistle can get your dog’s attention without disturbing those around you, whether you are using it in highly-populated areas or outdoors on open land.

Final Thoughts

German Shepherds can be hunting dogs, but it depends on the individual dog’s bloodline and personality. Not all dogs have a mind capable of focusing on a task for an extended time. Your dog has potential if he or she is athletic, has stamina, and a strong work ethic. Once you identify the prey you would like to hunt, it will be easier to know if your dog can be the hunter you need.


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