Can 2 Male German Shepherds Live Together?

Deciding whether or not to get a new pet can be a huge life consideration. After all, these furry friends need our love and attention, and that takes commitment. When it comes down to keeping more than one pet in the house, you want to ensure they’re compatible with one another. If they aren’t, you could be facing some tough decisions down the line.  

Although opposite sex German Shepherds will get along much better, two male German Shepherd dogs can live together peacefully, but this depends on early socialization, training, hormones, and the age gap between them.

When you consider keeping two male German Shepherd dogs in the same household, you need to consider both nature and nurture. In terms of nature, these are large dogs with natural pack instincts, which play a role in their behavior. In terms of nurture, these are intelligent dogs who can be trained successfully with enough time and dedication. These are the factors you need to keep in mind when determining the compatibility of two male German Shepherds:

Determining The Compatibility Of Dogs 

Regardless of their sex or species, there are ways in which to determine compatibility between them. This is especially important if you already have one dog living with you at your home.

If one of your pets is much larger than the other, it could hurt the other dog without meaning to. This is bound to happen, as they are not aware of how big they are compared to their fellow furry friend. The same goes for age. If one of the dogs is much younger, it could injure the frailer dog while trying to play. These instances could lead to unnecessary vet expenses. 

If you decide to get two varying dog breeds, there is a general rule of thumb that can be followed. The new dog should be both younger and the opposite sex of your current dog.

 Is It A Good Idea To Have Two German Shepherds?  

German Shepherds are dogs that are bred with a natural instinct to protect and chase. This means that it could be tricky introducing a new furry friend to your German Shepherd. However, can two German Shepherds cohabitate in the same home?   

Raising two German Shepherd puppies simultaneously can be a lot of work, but it can also be rewarding. You will need to make sure both dogs receive enough love, exercise, food, and medical attention from a vet. This could be costly but is unavoidable when considering housing two or more pets together. 

Raising two German Shepherds together will allow them to form a strong bond with one another. While you may have your hands full with two puppies, you can train them together, which does save some time. You’ll have two obedient furry friends who can learn from you and each other. 

Is It Still A Good Idea Having 2 Male German Shepherds?

Two German Shepherd males living together can be calm and loving companions. However, the socialization of the dogs when they are young plays a vital role in this.

Due to the common misconceptions about their size and the fact that these dogs can often work in dangerous environments, owners can sometimes incorrectly socialize their German Shepherd dogs, especially males. Owners who play more roughly with their puppies essentially encourage this behavior, which will continue to develop as the dog grows up. 

How you train and socialize your dog can play an important role in the peace you keep in your home years down the line. If you spot your male German Shepherd exhibiting behavior you can foresee will become problematic later on don’t encourage it.

German Shepherds are pack dogs. When you show your dogs who is in charge, they will fall in line. It is important to do this while the dog is still young. It can be much harder to establish leadership once the dog gets older. 

Hormones are an important to take into account regarding the pet’s behavior. While neutering male German Shepherds to better their temperament is possible, it can be a last resort. While your vet will be able to provide you more specialized information in relation to your dogs, there are ways to counter this yourself. 

Training can help your dog’s confidence. When a male German Shepherd does not have confidence and then feels threatened in a situation, they can act out in the heat of the moment. Training a German Shepherd from a young age is important. 

Final Thoughts 

Two male German Shepherds could either be at each other’s throats or snuggling beside you. When properly trained and socialized, two German Shepherd males can successfully live in the same home – and get along! When you spot behaviors that concern you even in the slightest, you should deal with them immediately, so it doesn’t become a bigger issue down the line.

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