Best Home-Cooked Meals Your German Shepherd Will Love

When owners first bring a German Shepherd Dog (GSD) home, they first think about where they’ll sleep, or what toys to buy them, but not many think about cooking meals for their pet from scratch. If you’re one of us passionate pet parents, you might be asking what are some of the best home cooked meals for dogs.

We’ll go over the benefits of feeding your dog a homemade meal. We’ll also share a few recipes of the best home-cooked meals for your German Shepherd.

Why Should You Make Your Own Dog Food For Your German Shepherd?

There are multiple benefits of making your very own dog food for your beloved German Shepherd. This is especially true if your dog has food allergies, skin problems, or specific dietary needs.

Dog food that’s bought in stores, just like most pre-packaged human foods, doesn’t contain a lot of nutritional benefits. Plus, it has additives and preservatives mixed in that could potentially be harmful to your pet.

The benefits of making homemade dog food include:

  • Builds a stronger immunity
  • Helps control and maintain your dog’s body weight
  • Cheaper than most commercially processed dog food
  • Combats food intolerance issues
  • Appeases those who are picky eaters
  • Tastes better
  • Helps build a stronger bond between you and your German Shepherd
  • Cheaper than most commercially processed dog food

Homemade food is especially beneficial to German Shepherds as they’re among the dog breeds that have a high risk of developing cutaneous adverse food reactions (CAFR), or food allergies.

German Shepherds, along with White Terriers, Labradors, and Golden Retrievers, make about 40% of those diagnosed with CAFR.

If left untreated, CAFR may cause several skin allergies, such as atopic dermatitis, which may lead to bacterial or yeast infections. As such, we need to be extra careful with what our German Shepherds ingest.

Nutritional Guidelines To Follow When Making Dog Food

Dogs are known to eat just about anything we give them. But we can’t just make a plate of his favorite foods and treats and call it a day. There are a few basic rules to follow when preparing a homemade meal for your dog.

Balanced Diet Equals Happy Dog

Just like when preparing our meals, each bowl needs to contain a healthy balance of carbohydrates, minerals, fats, and proteins.

To break it down, here’s a list of all the essential foods to feed your dog for a balanced diet:


  • Poultry (chicken, turkey, duck)
  • Lamb and/or beef
  • Animal by-products such as hearts, livers, kidneys, and lungs
  • Pork
  • Fish
  • Raw bones
  • Eggs
  • Turkey


  • Grains (corn, oats, brown rice)
  • Pasta
  • Potatoes, sweet potatoes, and taro


  • Olive oil
  • Sunflower oil
  • Fish oil
  • Canola oils

Vitamins (A, B, C, D, E, and K)

  • Fruits and vegetables (bok choy, green beans, broccoli, spinach cauliflower)
  • Dairy products (yogurt, milk, cheese)
  • Legumes, cereals, beans and peas

Variety Is Key

Add some variety to your dog’s meal plan. If you continue to feed your German Shepherd a single recipe, it’s quite likely to cause digestive and health problems.

The best homemade meals include a variety of meats, fish, eggs, vegetables, milk products, and grains.

The most important thing to remember is that 50% of your pup’s diet must be made up of animal protein. Dogs don’t mainly require a lot of carbohydrates in their diet. However, you shouldn’t skip it in every meal.

To derive the nutritional value from vegetables, it’s best if they’re first steamed or pureed. This is solely because dogs have short intestinal tract and can’t metabolize the cell walls in raw plant-based foods properly.

Don’t Forget The Supplements

Supplements are great for many reasons. Primarily, supplements help dogs who suffer from a variety of chronic conditions, such as joint pains, skin problems, or digestive problems. It’s necessary to balance and add food groups left out of the diet.

Here are a few reasons why you should incorporate supplements in your German Shepherd’s diet:

  • Helps boost the immune system
  • Provides all the essential nutrients needed for a well-balanced diet
  • Ensures maximum absorption of nutrients in your dog’s body
  • Improves skin and coat
  • Helps maintain a healthy digestion
  • Improves your dog’s cognitive development

Our 3 Favorite Homemade Recipes For German Shepherds

Here are some of the best home-cooked meals you can make for your German Shepherd. Keep in mind that these individual recipes are enough to serve at least three times a day. Always consult with your Vet before feeding your dog new food, including homemade meals.

1 – Rice With Vegetables And Meat


  • 5 cups uncooked rice
  • 300 grams of ground beef
  • 250 grams of carrots
  • 250 grams of green vegetables of your choice (we love parsley, celery, and parsnips)
  • Dash of salt for taste

Preparation method:

  1. Boil the ground beef with about a glass of water until tender.
  2. Add vegetables into the beef pot and let it steam.
  3. In a separate pot, prepare the plain white rice using any method you prefer.
  4. Once ready, add the rice to the beef pot.
  5. Let it cool for about half an hour before serving.

2 – Slow-Cooked Beans And Ground Turkey Delight


  • 2 ½ lbs of ground Turkey
  • 1 ½ cups of rice
  • 1 can of kidney beans
  • 1 ½ cups winter squash
  • 1 ½ cups carrots
  • ½ cup broccoli
  • ½ cup cauliflower
  • Dash of salt

Preparation method:

  1. Add the ingredients together along with 4 cups of water in a slow cooker.
  2. Cook on low heat for around 5 hours, or on high heat for about 2 – 3 hours.
  3. Occasionally stir so it won’t stick to the bottom of your cooker.
  4. Before serving, let it cool completely.

3 – Chicken Rice Balls

  • 4 cups of brown rice (cooked)
  • 16 oz frozen peas
  • 2 whole chickens
  • 2 parsley bunches
  • 2-3 medium orange yams
  • 8 whole carrots
  • 8 eggs
  • Dash of salt

Preparation method:

  1. Roast the chicken in an oven at 350°F for about an hour. While doing so, boil your eggs, remove the shell, and set it aside.
  2. Prep all your vegetables and throw in a pot with ½ cup water.
  3. Allow vegetables to simmer until tender for around 30 minutes.
  4. Once done, transfer to a food processor, add the parsley, and pulse until the mixture is pureed.
  5. Pick your chicken apart once it’s cooled.
  6. Mix all the prepared ingredients: chicken, veggie puree, eggs, and cooked rice in a bowl or stand mixer until thoroughly combined.
  7. Scoop out generous portions onto a baking sheet, lined with parchment paper. Flash freeze the chicken balls, then freeze in a tight container.
  8. Whenever your pup is hungry, make sure to thaw out portions for no more than 20-25 seconds in a microwave before serving.

Final Thoughts

Our dogs deserve the best nutrition. As such, they require real food that meets all the daily requirements of protein, vitamins, and minerals.

The above recipes are some of the best home-cooked meals for your German Shepherd. If you’re missing an ingredient or two, you can just simply substitute them with any vegetable you have at hand. With the addition of vitamin supplements, your German Shepherd will be on his way to a happy, long life.

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