Are Male Or Female German Shepherds More Affectionate?

German Shepherds have been a firm favorite since they originated in Germany over 120 years ago. Their strength, intelligence, and sense of authority earned them the top spot as K-9 workers. While German Shepherds are undoubtedly a good choice of dog, you may be concerned about the level of affection they can give. 

Female German Shepherds are more affectionate than males ones. Owners generally consider females more affectionate because they have inherent maternal instincts and do not usually exhibit as dominant or aggressive behavior as non-neutered males

While male German Shepherds may not be considered as affectionate, that is not to say that they don’t have other equally redeemable characteristics. 

However, your decision to get a male or a female dog will depend on several existing factors, including whether you have other pets or children. It may even be influenced by your previous history and experience with either a male of a female dog.

Broad Differences Between Male And Female German Shepherds

The differences between male and female dogs may not be as clear-cut as the differences between human males and females, and dog owners still debate the differences widely.

However, most vets and animal experts can agree that there are some notable differences between male and female dogs, which you may have noticed. Still, it’s vital to remember that the breed of dog and the type of training they have received will always influence their behaviors.

Male German Shepherd Dogs

When we refer to “male” dogs, we mean dogs that are “intact” and have not been neutered.

In terms of their behavior, male dogs tend to display more aggression and boldness. They are more likely to approach strangers, but also to engage in social play. (Source)

Male dogs are primarily thought of as being:

  • Playful
  • Independent and aloof
  • Dominant
  • Aggressive

Female German Shepherd Dogs 

On the other hand, female dogs have shown more highly developed social interactions with other species, such as humans. They can cooperate and do not need to assert their dominance at all times, which may result from female dogs maturing faster than male dogs. (Source)

When female dogs are in heat, they have been known to behave more aggressively or playfully. A female dog usually goes into heat two or three times a year, so this behavior is generally temporary. 

Female dogs are primarily thought of as being:

  • Affectionate 
  • Easier to train
  • More connected with humans
  • Motherly
  • Attentive but also needy

German Shepherds: A Short Tail

To fully understand German Shepherd’s behavior, it’s good to know where they came from and how they inherited the traits and characteristics they display today. The breed originated in Germany at the dawn of the 20th century. In Germany, they were used as sheepdogs and were trained to herd and guard sheep. (Source)

They left Germany’s shores and moved west at the beginning of World War I. This meant leaving behind their herds and moving into another position, this time as trained messengers, rescuers, and personal guards.

After World War II, anything “German” was met with some aversion, and so the dog was given a new name, the Alsatian Wolf Dog. So if you have ever wondered about whether Alsatians are different from German Shepherds, they aren’t.

Their humble beginnings as sheepherders instilled in German Shepherds the agility, straight focus, and authority they still possess today. It is one reason why German Shepherds are the preferred dog in both the police force and the military.

Male German Shepherds vs. Female German Shepherds

German Shepherd dogs can differ based on breed, gender, genes, environment, and socialization level. Hence, prospective owners should consider the various factors specifically relevant to them to understand those behaviors. (Source)

When it comes to German Shepherds’ behaviors and overall temperament, we can see a notable difference between males and females. However, these are usually directly dependent on the training and socialization of the dog.

Neutered males will also display different characteristics compared to non-neutered males. German Shepherds are frequently used as breeders, and so many people will choose not to fix their male dog but rather to leave him intact.

Male German Shepherds – Characteristics

Male German Shepherds are larger than females and tend to be more aggressive, territorial, and more dominant. Generally, they also really enjoy playing and love to learn new things because they are quite curious by nature.

German Shepherd owners also report that their male dogs can often act aloof. They are proud, independent dogs who will compete for dominance with their owner without adequate training. 

Male dogs require a strong leader who will create the necessary hierarchy that they need to establish dominance. That being said, male German Shepherds are known to form a powerful, single bond with one particular person.

Again, this is one of the main reasons that German Shepherds make good police dogs because they bond with their owners to create a team. Most commonly, male German Shepherds are used in police work. This is because of their size, strength, and advanced ability to navigate.

Female German Shepherds – Characteristics

Female German Shepherds are considered to be friendlier to both people they know and to strangers. In this regard, females often make better companions. In terms of size, females are comparatively smaller than males.

Their maternal instincts mean that they are more protective of their family. Unlike males, they do not usually form a single bond with one single person but show affection equally.

Because of their rate of maturity, females are considered easier to train and better at following instructions. They are also less sensitive than their male counterparts. While males tend to be more protective of their surrounding area, females tend to be more protective of their immediate family. 

Before Choosing A Breed Consider Their History

According to the experts, a German Shepherd’s temperament and behavioral traits can be linked to their lineage and the parent dogs’ characteristics.

So if you want to know your dog’s specific behaviors, a perfect place to start would be with doing some research into their history.

Factors To Consider before Choosing a Male or Female 

If you are still undecided about whether you want a male of a female German Shepherd, there are some other factors to consider.

A Man’s Best Friend

If you are unattached and are looking for a dog, you may consider getting a male German Shepherd. Their ability to bond with a single person makes them a great choice. You are also guaranteed to have your own personal bodyguard and a friend for life.

German Shepherds are also highly energetic animals, so they are great to take out on a run around the block and can be your new running partner.

The Perfect Family Dog

If you have a family and are looking for a German Shepherd who can bond with you all, including the children, then you may want a female dog. Their maternal and protective instincts, along with their propensity for affection and sweetness, are a winning combination.

When it comes to male German Shepherds, many consider them to be overprotective.

If you have a German Shepherd or are considering bringing one into your family, you may also need to consider where your dog should sleep. Make sure you take the time to read our article on this topic.

Other Four-Legged Friends 

German Shepherds as a breed are considered to be quite possessive, which may pose a problem if you have other pets. Usually, there are fewer problems when they are raised together with the other pets. 

Socialization And Training Are Key

Whether you decide to go for a female or a male German Shepherd, it’s always essential that you socialize them well by taking them to new places and allowing them to interact with new people.

Poorly socialized German Shepherds are known to show aggressive and possessive behaviors, so it is important to make sure you introduce them to children, other dogs, and people from an early age. A helpful way to do this is to enroll them in a puppy school.

Some Great Things About German Shepherds

If you aren’t familiar with German Shepherds as pets, here are some of the great things about the breed.

  • They are super smart.
  • They are protective and loyal.
  • They make wonderful companions.
  • They use their mouths and noses a lot.
  • They love to exercise.
  • They can live for 12 years.
  • They are not big droolers or big barkers.

Final Thoughts

Whether they are male or female, owners consider German Shepherds to be loyal, protective, and smart dogs. While females are more affectionate towards the whole family, the males’ ability to form a single strong bond is admirable.

With the correct socialization and training, both male and female German Shepherds would make a wonderful choice of pet. 

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