25 German Shepherd Signs Of Affection

German Shepherds are one of the most popular dog breeds. If you have one, you’ll be aware of their unwavering loyalty and their high intelligence. They’re also very brave and they form bonds easily, which makes them excellent companions.

German Shepherds were initially bred to be herding dogs, as their name suggests, but their traits quickly made them known as great choices not only for dog owners but also for the military, the police, search-and-rescue teams, and disability services.

German Shepherd dogs are very affectionate with their people, but they won’t all show it in the same ways. Check out the list below to see examples of how they show it.

# 1 – Give You Plenty Of Kisses

German Shepherd dogs give lots of kisses or licks when they want to express affection. This serves the double purpose of giving them information about you and what you’ve been doing with your day. It’s a clear cut sign that your dog wants to give and receive affection at that moment.

The instinct to lick faces is ingrained in dogs since they are puppies as a way to establish affection and receive care. While it may seem intimidating for a German Shepherd dog to launch at you determined to lick your face, it’s also a great sign of your importance to him and your position in his life.

You can train your dog with positive reinforcement to dissuade him from bathing your face, but that instinct spells only good things for your relationship with him. It’s best not to harshly reprimand him for it.

# 2 – Your Presence Will Make Them Visibly Happy

There is no disguising when your dog is thrilled to see you and spend time with you. Once they’ve formed a bond with you, they will express their happiness and comfort through their body language and their actions whenever they can.

German Shepherd dogs are known for their unwavering loyalty, and it doesn’t take them long to form bonds with their owners. Once they’ve had an emotional response to you, the bond will only keep growing.

German Shepherd dogs can form bonds with more than one person, but they’ll get most attached to the people who spend the most time with them. As the bond increases, the level of trust and comfort increases with it. You’ll notice that your presence boosts your German Shepherd’s mood and that spending time with you makes them exuberant.

# 3 – They’ll Lovingly Stare At You

If you have a German Shepherd dog, you may have noticed that they sometimes stare at you very attentively. This prolonged eye contact may seem unsettling at first, but it’s another excellent sign.

A study conducted by Japanese scientists has established that when dogs feel comfortable enough to make prolonged eye contact, oxytocin is released in both the dog and the person. Oxytocin is known as the happiness or love hormone because of the warm feeling it triggers. When your dog gazes at you, it creates a positive loop of lovely feelings, which is a win for all sides. (Source)

Staring and maintaining eye contact is a sign that your German Shepherd loves you, and also that he feels comfortable in your presence. Eye contact is a clear indication of trust in a dog and being the subject of that loving gaze means that you rate highly in their affection.

# 4 – Wag Their Tails When They See You

Tail-wagging is another clear sign of excitement and affection in dogs, and German Shepherds are no exception. Although this gesture can indicate feelings other than affection, your German Shepherd wagging his tail when he sees you is a positive reaction to your presence. (Source)

When your dog notices that you’re around, wagging his tail will be one of the first signs of his happiness. This is also a gesture that indicates a wish to establish an interaction with those around him. The sight of you will cause an increased level of wagging proportional to your dog’s excitement. This can reach impressive speeds.

Tail-wagging will usually be followed by your dog running at you or around your legs, jumping on you, and attempting to give you kisses. He can also wag his tail when you interact with him by speaking or looking at him. This shows his affection and happiness to be around you.

Make sure that your dog doesn’t bow his head when he does this. It may be a sign of anxiety or apprehension.

# 5 – You Are Welcomed At The Door When You Come Home

True to his loyal nature, your German Shepherd’s routine will be shaped by yours. When you return home, you will receive an instant and enthusiastic welcome, especially if you’ve been gone for longer periods.

There are plenty of emotional videos online of German Shepherd dogs greeting their owners when they return home from deployments or working in different locations.

Your dog will express his excitement in a variety of unmissable ways when you come home. This is an indication of the strength of your bond. Your German Shepherd is happiest when you are around, and the return of your presence will be greeted with an ecstatic ceremony.

This will vary depending on your dog’s temperament, but you’ll most likely see a combination of happy barking, jumps, running around you, and vigorous tail-wagging. Even if you’ve only been gone to the store or work, this is a part of the routine that is sure to brighten your day.

# 6 – They Want To Hang Out With You All The Time

Once your German Shepherd dog has established a bond with you, he’ll want to be around you as much as possible. Your presence will be a great reason for excitement and he’ll indicate his affection and happiness in the ways that feel best to him. Whether you’re out on walks or spending time together at home, your German Shepherd will feel most comfortable when you’re there for him.

German Shepherds are known for their predisposition to form attachments with humans. While some breeds are initially less keen, German Shepherds take to people easily and are open to developing emotional connections with them.

Some even prefer to spend time with their owners over their peers, though they can form excellent connections with other dogs and even other species. Your dog’s devotion will be apparent in how he will want to spend all his time with you.

# 7 – They’ll Bring You Toys

German Shepherd dogs are a high energy breed and will require time spent on walking and playing with them. They enjoy activities of all kinds, and they love to play, especially when it involves hanging out with their owners.

Your German Shepherd dog will make it known whenever he wants to play by bringing you his favorite toys or even his leash if he wants to go play outside.

Your dog will also bring you a toy that makes him happy so that it can bring you excitement too. This is an act of care and affection that can even manifest in him bringing you a comfort item like a blanket in case he feels that your mood is low. When he brings you a toy, he’ll either want to play or he’ll want you to join in the fun. This gesture of sharing indicates his happiness and comfort.

# 8 – Roll Over And Ask For Belly Rubs

Your German Shepherd dog will show his affection for you by allowing himself to be vulnerable around you. Rolling over and asking for belly rubs is a huge sign of trust because it exposes one of the most defenseless points on his body. When he rolls over, your dog is showing you that he feels comfortable and relaxed around you. He’s also asking for your affection in turn.

Your dog will usually give some signs that he’d like belly rubs or scratches before he rolls over. This can take the form of nudging or pawing at your hand or at your knee to get your attention, which will culminate in him rolling over to make you see exactly what he wants.

The more connected your German Shepherd is to you, the more he’ll ask for physical forms of attention like this.

# 9 – Leaning Against You

Leaning is another affectionate and protective gesture that your German Shepherd will do when he’s comfortable around you. This can happen when you’re sitting or standing. Your dog will lean against you and allow him to support his weight in a very tangible display of love.

He can do this when he’s feeling insecure, but more often than not it’s just another simple way in which he shows you how comfortable he is in your presence.

This is also a way for him to feel close to you and even to seek comfort from you if he’s feeling unnerved by things like loud noises. The weight of a German Shepherd leaning against you can be considerable, but it’s a great bonding moment that you can have with him.

# 10 – Your Most Attentive Listener

When your dog has developed a connection with you, he’ll react to the sound of your voice whether you’re speaking to him or someone else. You’ll be able to notice his reaction to you speaking in the way his ears perk up and in the way he gives you his utmost attention.

When you direct your words to him, he’ll show his affection by being your most avid listener. It doesn’t matter what you’re saying, the act of your speaking to him will make him listen and you’ll be able to see his attentiveness in his expression.

This reaction to your voice in your German Shepherd dog also shows the way he views you as his person. Observations have shown that other voices don’t rouse German Shepherds from sleep or make them take notice. This is an action reserved for the people they care about most, which is a great sign of your role and level of importance in your dog’s life.

# 11 – Following You Around

Whether you’re outside or at home, you’ll probably notice that your German Shepherd is following you even when told not to do it. He takes comfort in your presence and that will make him want to be around you as much as he can. Your dog can follow you around because he wants to check on what you’re doing too.

When you’re outside, he’ll want to investigate the surroundings alongside you and will generally keep close to you. Your presence in the outdoors is what guides him.

When you’re at home, your dog may become a shadow while you move around the place. He won’t necessarily stay glued to you at all times, but following you to check up on you is a way for your dog to show that he cares about where you are and what you’re doing.

# 12 – Sleep Next To You

Your German Shepherd will be comforted by your presence even when he’s sleeping. This is another sign of trust because he wants to be close to you while he’s at his most vulnerable and unguarded.

He’ll usually find a place next to you to sleep if allowed, both in the daytime and the nighttime. It is where he’ll feel most at ease. You may find yourself sitting on the sofa with the rest of the space occupied by a slumbering German Shepherd.

Your dog will also want to be ready to protect you even when he’s sleeping. It’s a telling gesture of care and affection and one that indicates a strong bond between dog and person. Make sure to explore options for dog beds that can be placed somewhere near you, especially for the nighttime.

# 13 – Bring You Items To Show Their Love

Your German Shepherd will want to show his affection by doing things for you. Fetching tasks are a great way for your dog to feel useful and accomplished in his interactions. He’ll bring you toys and his leash, but he can also bring you various items just to show them off to you. It’s another way that he has to share things with you.

As shown by their adaptability to be trained for various services, German Shepherds love fulfilling tasks. Bringing you various items combines the best of both worlds by making him show his affection and share in his excitement as well as performing tasks successfully.

# 14 – Waggle Their Eyebrows

German Shepherds don’t have eyebrows as humans do, but they do have markings above their eyes that look similar to them. When they’re feeling happy about being around you and eager to interact with you, their face will become very expressive as they move those markings. This shows how they’re being very attentive and involved with what you’re doing, as well as their sharp focus on you.

This gesture is further proof of their affection and attachment to you, and it’s a great way for their personality to shine through in their interactions. Depending on the type of markings, your German Shepherd will look varying degrees of adorable and mischievous when he waggles his eyebrows at you.

Though it may seem like both these eyebrows are moved the same, German Shepherds tend to raise one eyebrow more than the other. Your dog’s level of happiness can be judged by the height reached by that raise.

# 15 – They’ll Make Noises At You

German Shepherds will show their affection for you in vocal ways too. They’re known for being one of the most vocal dog breeds and they instinctively use noises to communicate their feelings and observations to people. As herding dogs, German Shepherds make the presence of any threats to sheep known by barking. It is in their nature to use a series of vocalizations.

When your dog is happy to see you, he’ll express it in joyous barking, happy whining, and various grunts and yipping noises. When you talk to him, he’ll frequently answer by making his noises to establish communication with you.

He will also know to attract your attention by making noises when he’s feeling ignored and looking for affection. German Shepherds can get loud, but it’s one of the ways they have to show how much they care about you and how happy they are to be around you.

# 16 – Put Their Paw On Your Chest

If you have a German Shepherd dog, you’ll find yourself with one of his paws on your chest whenever the opportunity arises. This can happen during snuggling or belly rubs, or even when they simply want some attention. It’s a way for your dog to communicate with you and express their affection.

German Shepherds are very tactile dogs and they will show their love in physical ways. Gently placing a paw on your chest and holding it there while gazing at you will establish the connection he has with you while offering and asking for affection. It’s a grounding gesture that helps your dog feel close to you and it can be a great bonding experience.

# 17 – They Empathize With You

German Shepherds pick up on your moods easily and will react to them. If you’re feeling anxious, stressed, or sad, you will notice that he attempts to comfort you, either by physically being close to you or by bringing you some of his favorite items.

If you’re hurt, he will become very protective, and crying will immediately bring him to your side. He’ll also react to your happiness. This openness to empathy is very specific to dogs and another clear sign of affection. They will be in sync with their people’s moods and will do their best to react to them, regardless of specifics.

Your dog will become distressed if you are upset or angry, so make sure to take a moment to comfort him if you’re having a bad day.

# 18 – Mimic Your Facial Expressions

According to a study by National Geographic, dogs can read facial expressions and understand what emotion they are suggesting. They understand the difference between a happy expression and an angry expression not only from looking at the mouth but also at the eyes and the forehead. It also seems that they struggle more with identifying angry expressions because they may have negative associations with them that they don’t have with smiles. (Source)

The evolution of German Shepherds has led to their facial muscles evolving to respond to human expressions. We’ve mentioned before that they waggle the muscles above the eyes that sit under their equivalent of eyebrows.

It seems that this gesture has become part of their repertoire because they’ve seen it in humans and also because it ensures a nurturing reaction for this ‘puppy eyes’ effect.

German Shepherds have even been observed to yawn when their people do. This is something known as ‘contagious yawning’. PLOS One researched this phenomenon in a study and found indications that dogs won’t yawn after strangers do, but they will yawn if the people they care about do. Although contagious yawning occurs in many species, it only seems to cross-species when it comes to humans and dogs.

# 19 – They Jump On You

German Shepherds will frequently show their love for you by jumping all over you, especially when you return after being away from them. Their excitement will be unmatched and they’ll want to show it in this physical way.

Make sure to be ready for the onslaught of an adult German Shepherd when you walk through the door and enjoy this proof of love from your dog.

# 20 – They Nudge At You

You will often find yourself nudged by a wet nose whenever your German Shepherd feels like getting some attention or like showing his love. He’s aware that this gesture makes you notice him, and he’ll use it as a communication tool. He can also gently butt his head against you or even bury his head against you.

This is a gesture that requires some corresponded affection. Your dog wants to show you that he cares, and he may be also feeling in need of some comfort. Take time to have a cuddle whenever your dog nudges you.

# 21 – They Lay On You

German Shepherds won’t grow out of laying on you like they’re still puppies. It is one of their biggest displays of affection and a sign of their love and relaxation.

When they lay on you, they’re extremely comfortable with you. It means that they feel safe and happy and that they want to be around you so you may have to bear the weight for a while and just take some time to spend with your dog.

# 22 – They Are Very Energetic With You

German Shepherds are high energy dogs and their mood will often be very energenic when they’re happy to be around you. They’ll be in a frenzy of movement and in the mood to play, as long as they get to interact with you. These carefree and unguarded moments are a great indication of a happy and affectionate dog.

# 23 – They’ll be Protective of You

German Shepherds have a strong protective instinct and that will be triggered especially around the people they care about most. Whether you’re outside or at home, your dog will keep tabs on you to make sure that you are safe. Your well-being is extremely important to him and he will do everything in his power to keep threats away from you.

German Shepherds tend to stick close to their owners even when they’re allowed off the leash. If you have a family, female German Shepherds, in particular, are very protective of children. They’re also very patient, which is useful when kids are interacting with them.

# 24 – They Like Getting Hugs from You

Dogs aren’t very comfortable with hugs. If your German Shepherd dog tolerates and welcomes hugs, this is a sign of absolute trust. Hugs can make dogs feel trapped and nervous, so watching for any signs of discomfort is always necessary.

German Shepherds tend to be very cuddly, and hugs are another example of this, especially when they’re puppies. They seem to be more tolerant of receiving hugs than other breeds, most likely because of their patience and their love of physical affection.

This is something you should attempt only after your dog has given you clear signs of his trust in you, and only if he seems alright with the gesture. It’s best to not hug him too tight so that he still feels like he has the freedom to move if he becomes uncomfortable.

# 25 – They Sigh At You

If you hear your German Shepherd sigh, don’t worry. This is a sound of pure contentment, especially when it comes as he’s settling into his favorite positions for relaxing.

Sighing in German Shepherds is usually accompanied by a long stretch. It will also happen when he settles down to sleep somewhere next to you. There can also be small grunting noises that sound like the equivalent of mumbles.

When he sighs, your dog is letting you know that he’s happy to be with you and that he’s comfortable. It means that he feels safe, protected, and loved. He wants to share that feeling with you, so he communicates it in this way.

German Shepherds Show Affection In Many Ways

German Shepherds are very affectionate and will show it in many different ways that are influenced by individual temperament. They are quick to form emotional attachments and long-standing bonds with people they trust, and they will demonstrate their love physically whenever they can.

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